Telkom Successfully Holds AKHLAK Culture Festival TelkomGroup 2023
Posted on : 2023-07-31 | Tags :

akhlakTelkom President Director Ririek Adriansyah (second from left, front row) led everyone to read out their declaration of commitment to internalize and actualize AKHLAK core values within TelkomGroup, witnessed by the Deputy for Human Resources Technology and Information of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises Tedi Bharata (center, front row) along with TelkomGroup BOE ranks at the TelkomGroup AKHLAK Culture Festival 2023 event in Jakarta, Monday (31/7).


akhlakDeputy for Human Resources, Technology, and Information, Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises, Tedi Bharata (center) accompanied by Telkom President Director Ririek Adriansyah (left) & Telkom Human Capital Management Director Afriwandi (right) visited the TelkomGroup Culture Innovation exhibition at the AKHLAK Culture Festival TelkomGroup 2023 in Jakarta, Monday (31/7)


Deputy for Technology and Information Human Resources of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises Tedi Bharata (center) accompanied by Telkom President Director Ririek Adriansyah (right) & Telkom Human Capital Management Director Afriwandi (left) at the 2023 TelkomGroup AKHLAK Culture Festival in Jakarta, Monday (31/7)

Jakarta, 31 July 2023 - State-owned leading digital telecommunications company PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom) held the AKHLAK Culture Festival TelkomGroup 2023 Monday (31/7) to celebrate three years of AKHLAK being the core values of all state-owned companies' employees. Deputy for Human Resources Technology and Information of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises Tedi Bharata, Telkom President Director Ririek Adriansyah and the board of directors, guests, and more than 1,000 participants from internal TelkomGroup, state-owned enterprises' employees and students, attended the event at Telkom Landmark Tower in Jakarta. 

AKHLAK is an acronym for Amanah (trustworthy), Kompeten (competent), Harmonis (harmonious), Loyal (loyal), Adaptif (adaptive), and Kolaboratif (collaborative) was adopted as core values of all state-owned enterprises since 1 July 2020.

“The theme of the AKHLAK Culture Festival Living this year is 'AKHLAK for Sustainable Future'. It also bespeaks of all TelkomGroup people's hope to be always ready to implement AKHLAK in every aspect of life to support the company's business sustainability in the future," Telkom Human Capital Management Director Afriwandi in his speech.

Telkom President Director Ririek Adriansyah in his presentation conveyed the importance of AKHLAK's role as the company's guiding values to maintain its performance and to carry out its transformation with the 5 Bold Moves strategy. "TelkomGroup's transformation journey is always concurrent with the implementation of AKHLAK's core values. Until now, Telkom has carried out two of its five strategies, namely Mitratel's initial public offering and fixed mobile convergence through the integration of IndiHome with Telkomsel. Apart from that, Telkom has also succeeded in maintaining its company's performance," Ririek said in his opening remarks. 

Ririek also said that AKHLAK has a very important role. Its first value, Trustworthiness, means that employees are required to have integrity and a commitment to always provide the best for the company. In the second value, Competent, Telkom always improves its competencies to be able to compete with other global companies, including through the GPSP (Great People Scholarship Program) study program. As for the Harmonious value, Telkom ensures that it always maintains effective communication with employees, especially during this ongoing transformation so that employees can have the same understanding of the process.

For the Loyal value, Telkom supports employees to continue to improve their skills through the GPSP program and the company hopes that these talents will remain loyal to the company by returning to work at Telkom after completing their education. The value of Adaptive is an important one for Telkom as a digital telco company, As Telkom continues to strive to be adaptive and agile in dealing with the dynamics of the digital telco industry, and Collaborative value, it is in line with the company's buy, build, and borrow strategy, which manifested in Telkom carrying out strategic partnerships with various global telco players to increase its value as the largest digital telco in Indonesia.

"AKHLAK's core values have such an important role for the company. I call on all leaders down to the smallest units to encourage internalization of AKHLAK to the smallest units wherever they are by always monitoring their level of understanding, " Ririek said.

"AKHLAK is not just a program, but it is an important part of ensuring company performance. I appreciate Telkom's performance in 2022, and we hope that Telkom can continue to improve it,” Deputy for Human Resources Technology and Information of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises Tedi Bharata said.

Tedi also said that AKHLAK is becoming increasingly relevant in the current era, especially for the telecommunications industry where companies require their employees to be quick and precise learners of new competencies, therefore it is mandatory for companies to always improve their talents' competencies. "The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises hopes that Telkom will continue to maintain AKHLAK as important values and make it them evident in the company's ongoing transformation. Because culture is one of the parameters of how company goals can be achieved and in the context of state-owned enterprises, all of them have different challenges and progress, so we hope that AKHLAK values can become a unifying value for all state-owned enterprises to collaborate and be in synergy, and help each other to contribute accelerating the digitization,” Tedi said.

Part of the AKHLAK Culture Festival TelkomGroup 2023 was everyone present read out their declaration of commitment to implementing AKHLAK's core values. The company also awarded staff members dubbed as Culture Agents and Culture Boosters with "The Best AKHLAK Implementation", and the visit of the Deputy for Human Resources Technology and Information of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises Tedi Bharata,  accompanied by the Telkom President Director Ririek Adriansyah and his staff to the area TelkomGroup Culture Innovation exhibition. The event also featured a talk show and was capped with a great performance from Tulus.
