Telkom Supports The Operation of SNMPTN and SBMPTN
Posted on : 2017-01-13 | Tags :

As a form of devotion to the world of education in Indonesia, PT Telkom Indonesia (Telkom) has once again supported the implementation of the National Selection of State Universities (SNMPTN) and Selection of Joint Entrance State University (SBMPTN) in collaboration with the Ministry of Research Technology and High Education (Kemenristekdikti). This collaboration was marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Plt. Director of Enterprise & Business Services Telkom Honesti Bashir by the Committee's chairman of SNMPTN 2017 Prof. Dr. H. Ravik Karsidi M.S. witnessed by the Minister of Research Technology and Higher Education Prof. Drs. H. Mohamad Nasir, M.Sc., Akt., Ph.D in Kemenristekdikti Office in Jakarta, Friday (13/1).

Honesti Bashir said, as the State telecommunication company in Indonesia, Telkom is committed to advancing the education in Indonesia, where one of them is implemented through the support of an online registration mechanism in the implementation of SNMPTN / SBMPTN 2017.
Meanwhile, Ravik Karsidi greatly appreciates the support expressed for the implementation of SNMPTN Telkom / SBMPTN. "The committee of SNMPTN are being greatly helped by the support of Telkom Group who have been successful in the execution of SNMPTN / SBMPTN from year to year. Through this cooperation, it is expected that implementation of SNMPTN / SBMPTN 2017 can run smoothly, "added Ravik.
In similar to the previous year, Telkom provides a range of ICT services, including the provision of data communication networks and services and the Internet, the provision of services Colocation / Internet Data Center. Telkom also set up the security infrastructure by using a firewall, providing no access to the call center, providing ICT consulting services, and other services deemed necessary.
"Telkom is ready to support Kemenristekdikti program, which one of them is the SNMPTN/SBMPTN 2017 activities which become Telkom's commitment to the education in Indonesia," said Honesti.
According Honesti, to further support the program, Telkom also implement the Edumail program, namely national email platform that can integrate educational ecosystem. This service facilitates the Government Regulation No. 82 of 2012 on Implementation System and Electronic Transactions for public services using data centers and data recovery center located in Indonesia. In addition, Telkom also provides a connection IDRen (Indonesia Research Education Network) which is a private network for research and education among national universities in Indonesia.

Plt Direktur Enterprise & Business Services Telkom Honesti Basyir (kedua dari kiri) berfoto bersama dengan Menteri Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Prof. Drs. H. Mohamad Nasir, M.Si., Akt., Phd (tengah) usai penandatanganan nota kesepahaman di Jakarta, Jumat (13/01)